About Us
About NEAT
St. Hild’s Church of England School has been part of the NEAT Academy Trust family of schools since 1st April 2021. We have six schools within the trust: four primary schools and two secondary schools.
NEAT was set up as a multi-academy trust (MAT) in April 2017. A MAT is a charitable organisation that works collaboratively to improve and maintain high educational standards across a number of schools. Each school within a MAT is an academy.
NEAT is a mixed MAT because it includes schools with and without a religious character. We work closely with the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Education Boards about the governance of the trust and the performance of our Church of England schools.
You can find out more about our trust by watching our Welcome to NEAT video on the NEAT Academy Trust YouTube channel and on the NEAT website.
We are guided by our shared purpose – what is important to us – to nurture, educate, achieve and transform.
We are driven by our values – how we do things – which are: aspirational, collaborative, inclusive, innovative and responsible.
We are firmly rooted in our local communities, which enables us to develop and share effective strategies to enable our pupils to improve their life chances with the support of their families.
Newcastle Research School within our trust is one of only 30 schools across the country that has been awarded this designation by the Education Endowment Foundation. This enables us to engage with schools across the north east region to use and develop evidence-based practice to improve teaching and learning.