Westminster offers an excellent opportunity to teach Art History to brilliant pupils in unique surroundings in the centre of London. The Department comprises of two Art Historians and teachers are subject specialists, creatively-minded and fully committed to developing excellent practice in teaching and learning. Classes are intimate (of about 5-10 pupils) and discussion forms an important part of our practice; classes are taught in seminar style groups. Our approach is progressive and self-scrutinising, both in designing curriculum content and considering pedagogy. Drawing on our academic specialisms and breadth of learning, we aim to encourage an enthusiasm for art and architecture that extends far beyond the classroom. Pupils learn how to respond critically to the uses of images they encounter, not only in galleries, but also in the world around them to find significant links between different cultures and periods of history. We encourage ambitious wider-reading, gallery visits and believe in the importance of developing a personal, creative and critical voice.
The History of Art department is located adjacent to the Art department, allowing for inter-disciplinary opportunities. Each classroom is fully equipped for the subject, and each teacher has their own room and pupils have their own extensive Art History lending library. Approximately 25 pupils study Art History and there are two Lower Sixth and two Upper Sixth groups. Whilst it is a small department it is successful in encouraging a relatively high number of students to read at Art History at leading universities, both in the UK and overseas. All members of the department help advise and prepare students for university applications and interviews.
The department has a thriving extra-curricular programme, coordinated by the Head of Department. Every year pupils partake in ARTiculation & Spoke, alongside other external essay competitions. We have multiple internal essay competitions and travel scholarships, and we also have other opportunities, such as student-led societies and magazines. We organise many trips to galleries and museums within the timetable and there are currently two trips on which all pupils are expected to go, one to Florence in the Lower Sixth and one to Paris in the Upper Sixth (not during the Autumn term). External speakers are invited each term, and are attended by our Art History pupils as well as those from Harris Westminster Sixth Form (HWSF). The Department contributes enthusiastically to outreach partnerships, including welcoming visiting scholars from Grey Coats. The part-time teaching job at Westminster is coordinated with the timetable at HWSF, should this be of interest to candidates.