The room fell silent. A lone voice cut through the air like a scalpel. “If we always do what we’ve always done, we’ll always get what we’ve always got.” A murmur of agreement rippled across the table, but the truth hung heavy. Governance in education wasn’t evolving fast enough. The diversity deficit on school boards was glaring, and yet the solution was tantalisingly within reach. Diversity
Another year, another World Book Day—same costumes, same characters. Harry and Hermione? Check. Little Red Riding Hood? Of course. The Gruffalo? Naturally. And let’s not forget Mrs. Trunchbull, stomping through the halls. Sound familiar? Thought so. But here’s the thing—World Book Day can be so much more. It’s time to move beyond the usual suspects and reimagine it through a
“No one would care if I weren’t here.” I can remember the words hitting me hard. As Designated Safeguarding Lead there were immediate red flags, but on a human level it broke my heart. 100% attendance, great progress, and never in trouble. On paper he belonged – but in reality he thought nobody cared. Across the country, I hear the language of belonging increasingly referenced in discussions a
School governing boards in the UK are entrusted with the critical task of shaping the educational experiences of both students and staff. Within their role, they have the power to influence curriculum choices, define and redefine budget allocations and set the future direction of the school or trust, all whilst ensuring robust safeguarding policies are in place. Therefore, for thes
‘Diversifying Recruitment’ and ‘Inclusive Recruitment’ are two terms that we often hear being mentioned frequently in education circles, but what is the difference in approach? Diverse or diversifying suggests the focus is on finding diverse candidates. Inclusive or ‘inclusifying’ (phrase coined by Professor Paul Miller which we have adopted) suggests the focus is instead on including diverse ca
Traditional history education can sometimes feel stale and uninspired – a series of dates and old white men who seem to have little or no relevance to the lives of today’s children. This approach, heavily focused on Eurocentric perspectives and the accomplishments of a select few, can leave many students feeling excluded and disconnected from the past. But, as even Ofsted explained in their 
When I trained to teach in 2010, I was drawn into the profession by the motivation to Make a Difference. I wanted to be a Changemaker; to have Social Impact; to Do Good. And I was willing to work all hours and make sacrifices to – essentially – satisfy my guilty white saviour complex. Maybe that’s a little cutting: after all, a sense of moral purpose and the pursuit of meaningful wo
Coaching is the process used to enable the coachee to reach their goals or achieve clarity about their life, whether it’s about leadership development, career change, family, personal development or just managing work-life balance. This blog will focus on coaching as a vehicle for leadership development. Leadership development training encourages the use of hands-on practical trai
Originally posted on The Conversation in May 2024: Republished with permission of the author. LGBTQ+ teachers report feeling stressed and even discriminated against in the workplace due to their identity. This is a problem when keeping teachers in their jobs is vital. Teaching is facing a cri
I'm Steve Ollington, and I’m currently undertaking a PhD at Swansea University, supervised by Professor Brian Garrod, focusing on ADHD in the workplace. My research journey started with a personal observation: despite having a consistent skill set and high level of experience in my profession, I noticed that my performance varied significantly depending on the workplace environment. In some setti
As Tomorrow’s Engineers Week 2024 approaches, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment to ignite excitement and purpose among young people for careers in engineering and technology. From November 11 to 15, EngineeringUK will host this nationwide celebration under the theme Power up your passion, highlighting how personal interests can lead to fulfilling and impactful careers in STEM
As an educator, you’re often faced with student situations you can’t anticipate. Those situations are almost always personal, nuanced and highly-specific to that individual. They require a human response. They require empathy. Empathy is the skill to understand another and the ability to create space for someone to reveal their authentic self, whilst reserving judgement. Empathy is no longer me